
Ongoing Dissertation Research

  1. Characterizing persistent vegetation greening and browning trends related to natural and human activities in the Mount Elgon ecosystem (Chapter 1)
  2. Quantitative multi-factor characterization of ecological vulnerability in the Mount Elgon ecosystem (Chapter 2)
  3. Simulating and projecting best and sustainable farming-conservation practices under climate change (Chapter 3)

Conference Presentations

Wanyama, Dan. 2020. "Quantitative multi-factor characterization of ecological vulnerability in the Mount Elgon ecosystem". Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (virtual), December 11th. 

Wanyama, Dan. 2019. “Agent-based modeling of farmer-environment interactions under climate change in the Mount Elgon Ecotone: Background and Framework”. Poster presented at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting held in Washington, April 6th.

Wanyama, Dan. 2018. “Understanding agricultural land use change within the Mount Elgon Ecotone”. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting held in Washington, D.C. December 11th.

Wanyama, Dan. 2017. “A spatial analysis of climate change effects on maize productivity in Kenya”. Paper presented at the International Cartographic Conference (ICC) held in Washington, D.C. July 5th.

Wanyama, Dan. 2017. “A spatial analysis of climate change effects on maize productivity in Kenya”. Paper presented at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Conference held in Boston, MA. April 8th.

Wanyama, Dan. 2016. “Environmental Variability and Food Security: A Regression Analysis”. Paper presented at the Applied Geography Conference held in Louisville, KY. October 26th.

Wanyama, Dan. 2016. “A spatial analysis of climate change effects on maize productivity in Kenya”. Paper presented at the Kenya Scholars & Studies Association (KESSA) Conference held in Atlanta, GA. September 10th.

Wanyama, Dan. 2016. “Confronting the socio-economic implications of climate change and variability on maize productivity in Kakamega County, Kenya”.  Paper presented at the Geography Symposium held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. February 10th.